
Dr. Dave

Fight Depression

Positive Thinking Radio

Max Out On God's Love

Positive Christian Radio

Positive Butterflies




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Jesus said I must be born again.  Once is not enough.  The first time I was born, I was born in the flesh.  The second time I am born, I am born in the spirit.  God is a Spirit, and He is the One who makes my spirit come alive.  That is why I call him Father.

Spiritual birth isn’t something I do.  Instead, it’s something that God does to me after I open my heart to his love.  God isn’t going to ask me to write an essay to find out if I really understand what I am doing.  He isn’t going to give me a multiple choice test asking me one-hundred questions on theology, and if I don’t score at least seventy percent, I don’t get to call him Father.  He won’t ask for a personal interview or references from religious people.  He won’t demand that I am perfect before I can have a relationship.  He won’t require that I don’t sin for three days in a row before it can happen.

God loves me unconditionally.  That means He loves me and accepts me the way I am.  He loves me from the top of my head to the tip of my toes, and it doesn’t get any better than that.  There are no preconditions to having a relationship with God.  As soon as I open my heart to his love and call him Father, He does the rest.

Copyright © 2013


Most people get nervous when you talk about spiritual birth.

Spiritual birth is a confusing subject, and people have a lot of questions.  How much theology do you need to know?  How many scriptures do you need to read?  Do you need to pray extra hard for a long time to make it happen?  Are there any formulas you have to follow?  Are there any special words you need to say?  Do you need to say them in any particular order?  Is there is special place you need to go to make it happen?  Can you do it with your eyes open, or do they have to be closed?

All of these questions focus on you, seducing you into believe that spiritual birth is something you do, instead of something that God does to you.

The truth is, God is the one who does it all.  He is the one who makes it happen.  As soon as you open your heart to his love and call him Father, He does all the rest.

He isn't going to ask you to write an essay to find out if you really know what you are doing.  He isn't going to give you a multiple choice test asking one-hundred questions on theology, and if you don't score at least seventy percent, you don't get to call him Father.  He won't ask for a personal interview or references from religious people.   He won't demand that you are perfect before you can have a relationship.  He won't require that you don't sin for three days in a row before it can happen.

God's love is unconditional, and that means there are no preconditions to having a personal relationship with him.

Your relationship with God is a personal thing, and it's going to be different for you than it will be for other people.  God made you different from everyone else, and your relationship with him will be different as well.
It's not my relationship or someone else's relationship.  It's yours.  When God made you, He threw away the mold, and your relationship with him will be personal and unique.

Don't let anyone force you into their spiritual mold.  You will not fit, and you will be miserable if you try to be like them and have a spiritual relationship that duplicates theirs.  If God wanted all of us to be the same, He would have made us all the same.  We would all be clones.  God didn't do it, and you shouldn't try to do it either.

Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking

Owner's Manual for Your Mind
Real Power: Maxing Out on God's Love Positive Christian Self-Talk
Positive Self-Talk Red Book Positive Self-Talk Purple Book


Jump into God's Ocean of Love
Send God's Love to Everyone
Perfectionism - God's Love Is the Cure
Blown to Smithereens
The Facts of Love
The Pure in Heart Shall See God
Be Still and Know That I Am God
Once Is Not Enough
What Goes Around Comes Around
Don't Let the World Clip Your Wings
Live As If You Are in God's Presence
Enough Faith
How to Increase My Faith
Double Dose of Faith
The Most Powerful Force in the Universe
Unconditional Love
Max Out on God's Love
Coming to My Senses
Ultimate Reality Check
Truth Shall Set You Free
I Have a Dream
Affirmations Change the Way I Feel


Beat Depression

Zero Negative Thinking

Max Out On God's Love

24 Positive Thinking Podcasts

25 Positive Spirituality Podcasts

162 Positive Graphics

448 Positive Butterflies

33,000 Miles Of Global Adventure

1 Awesome Adventure DVD


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