Positive change isn’t a matter of the
will. Rather, it’s a matter of being willing to do whatever it takes.
When I am not willing, no matter how much I say I want to change, it
will not happen. I am only playing a word game, and everyone
understands what I am saying.
The difference between the will and being willing is great. Making my
dreams come true doesn’t require an iron will. I don’t need an
indomitable spirit before I start the journey. I don’t need to spend
years pumping myself up in preparation for the moment that will takes
over, sweeps me off my feet, and carries me to total victory. That is a
fairy tale of the will. No one has a mountain of will that sweeps away
all opposition.
I don’t need a massive will to succeed. I do need a willingness to do
whatever is required to make my dreams happen. Although I don’t have an
iron will, I do have a willingness to work around, go through, over, or
under whatever obstacles get in the way. This is a quiet willingness.
Eloquent speeches of dramatic resolve aren’t part of the script. I
simply get on with the business of living my dreams. Every day I focus
on my purpose and act on my plan, because I am willing to do whatever it
takes to make my dreams come true.
Copyright © 2013