Mark Twain once remarked that life
doesn’t consist so much of facts and events. Instead, it consists
mainly of the storm of thoughts blowing endlessly through my mind.
Most of the time, I can deal with the facts of life without too much
difficulty. It’s the storm of thoughts that causes such a problem.
Each fact of life spawns fearful fantasies that swirl forever in my
mind. I will die a thousand deaths before my final day of reckoning
comes. Most of my problems never happen anywhere except in my mind.
There is no limit to how miserable my life can become when I believe
what the inner storm has to say.
What I put into my mind becomes the wind that blows there. If I allow
negative and limiting thoughts to gain entrance, a cyclone of negativity
and limitations sweeps through my life. If I fill my mind with positive
and empowering thoughts, I experience fair winds and following seas as I
sail on the ocean of my dreams. If I don’t control what goes into my
mind, then I have no choice but to endure the storm of thoughts that I
find there. I am the one who decides what will blow through my mind.
If I don’t like what I find, I can change it. All I need to do is
change what I put into my mind.
Copyright © 2013
Surviving sandstorms is easy. All you have to do is hunker
down and hang on until the storm is over.
Surviving the storms of the mind is an entirely different matter.
The last time I checked the statistics, over eighteen thousand
people used guns to commit suicide in the USA in a single year.
When I listen to the news and talk with my patients, it's clear
that there's an epidemic of depression sweeping over the land.
Now is a good time to buy stock in drug companies that sell
anti-depressant drugs.
People are smoking dope, sniffing cocaine, and taking
methamphetamine in record numbers. Just a few years ago,
those same people were happy children without a care in the world.
Even being a baby isn't safe anymore - fetal alcohol syndrome and
cocaine babies begin life in a hellish hole.
So what went wrong?
Lots of things went wrong, and nearly all of them are preventable.
We have met the enemy and he is us.
Believe it or not, we are responsible for the storm of thoughts
that blow through our mind. If we want to create violent
children, then turn on the TV set and fill their mind with violent
images. Teach them that violence is an acceptable way to
resolve conflict. If you want to raise sick people
addicted to drugs, then simply dump the garbage in their mind, and
watch them self-destruct. If you want to become depressed,
then fill you mind with depressing things.
It really does matter what you put into your mind, and if you want
to have healthy happy children, it matters what you allow into
their mind as well.
I don't know about you, but I've got my mind made up.
Nobody's going to dump their garbage into my mind. My brain
isn't a dumpster. and nobody's going to fill it with their trash.
There's no room for violence in my mind, and there's no room for
dysfunctional thoughts. There's no room for addiction and no
room for depressing thoughts.
My mind belongs to me and I'm
going to fill it with good things. What I put in my mind is
important because it becomes the wind that blows there.
Newspapers report that there is an
epidemic of depression sweeping around the world. They say that at
least one in ten people is depressed.
I don't know if the epidemic of depression is real, but I do know that
there is an epidemic of antidepressants sweeping around the world.
Millions of people are popping pills to beat their blues, even though
they may not be clinically depressed. They believe that if they
change the chemistry of their brain with a pill, it will send their
blues packing.
People who are clinically depressed and who are suicidal clearly need to
be taking medication. But people with milder mood disorders might
try other approaches to therapy. If they do a better job of
controlling what gets into their mind, they just might get better
without those expensive pills.
What you think about matters. Negative and limiting thoughts
create a chemical imbalance in your brain and make you feel bad. Positive and unlimited thoughts restore the normal
chemical balance, and you feel good once again.
What you think about determines the chemistry of your brain. When
you think
anxious thoughts, you create the chemistry of anxiety, and you become
anxious. When you think depressing thoughts, you create the chemistry of
depression, and you become depressed.
You are responsible for the chemistry of your brain. When you choose
thoughts, you choose your chemistry. When you change your thoughts,
you change your
chemistry. You are not the victim of your chemistry; you are its creator. If
you don’t like your brain chemistry, you can change it by changing what
you put into
your mind.
Don't walk the path of self-destruction by filling your mind with
negative things. Instead, put positive thoughts into your mind and create a
chemistry that lifts you up and supports you on the journey to your dreams.