
Dr. Dave

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Adversity is inevitable as I walk on the path to my dreams.  When adversity pays an unwelcome visit, I modify my plans, stick to my purpose, and never surrender my dreams.  My strategy for dealing with adversity has six steps.

First, I don’t panic.  I step back from the problem and regain my composure.  I deal with adversity only after I have a positive state of mind.

Second, I make a limited and orderly retreat.  I sacrifice only those things that are truly expendable.  It’s rare that a mistake is so large that all is lost.  A limited and orderly retreat is better than total unconditional surrender.

Third, I assess the situation.  There are always many alternative ways of responding, and I usually have enough control over the situation that I can select an acceptable response rather than have a single course of action dictated by my adversaries.

Fourth, I identify my resources and prepare them for action.  My counterattack is on a scale consistent with my available resources, and my objective is in the realm of possibility.

Fifth, I act only after everything is in place and ready to go.  Once I am ready, I take enthusiastic, positive, and fearless action.

Sixth, I never quit.  No matter what happens, I will not surrender.  As long as I don’t quit, adversity and setbacks are only detours on the road to my dreams.

Copyright © 2013


This is the anchorage at Lizard Island.  We spent several days here as we sailed in the wake of Captain Cook along the Ozzie coast.  Here is the story of Captain Cook and Lizard Island.

Captain Cook almost lost his ship, the Endeavor, as he sailed up the Australian coast inside the Great Barrier Reef.  He was exploring uncharted waters, and on 10 June, 1770 he ran out of luck when the Endeavor struck a reef.  The reef rose steeply from the seabed and was undetectable until it was too late. The ship started taking on water and was in danger of sinking.  On the positive side, the Endeavor struck the reef at high tide, and that meant there was time to deal with the breach in the hull as the tide went out.  Cook's crew lightened ship by throwing heavy canons and stores overboard, so that when high tide returned they might be able to float off the reef. They manned their emergency pumps, and created a type of collision mat to put on the outside of the hull to stem the leak.  They ran out kedge anchors, and worked furiously to prepare to refloat Endeavor at high tide.  All of the work paid off, because eventually they kedged off the reef and their temporary hull patch controlled the flow of water so they did not sink.

After they escaped from the reef, they sailed north to the mouth of a large river where they careened their ship and made repairs.  It turned out that in spite of their bad luck, good fortune had smiled on the Endeavor because a large fist sized piece of coral had penetrated the hull and lodged in the hole, sealing the breach to a significant degree.  If the coral hadn't lodged in the hull, it 's likely the Endeavor would have sunk.

After completing repairs, Cook sailed north searching for an opening that would let him navigate eastward  through reef strewn waters and back into the Coral Sea.  Unfortunately, Cook didn’t know how far north the Great Barrier Reef extended since he was voyaging in uncharted waters.  It turned out that the reef is nearly 1200 miles long.  In addition, ships like the Endeavor did not sail well to windward, and to escape, Captain Cook needed to sail against the prevailing trade winds.

As he continued north along the Ozzie coast, he finally came to Lizard Island which turned out to be his salvation.  Lizard has a good anchorage, and best of all, it's high enough to give an excellent view of the reef  for miles in all directions.  He spent a couple of hours climbing to the top of Lizard, and when he surveyed the reef to the east, to his great relief, he found a break in the reef through which he could safely take his ship.  All he had to do was wait for good weather and a favorable wind, and he would escape the clutches of the Great Barrier Reef.

When you climb to the top of the island today, a monument points your eyes in the direction of Cook’s passage through the reef.  Take your binoculars to the top of the hill in the afternoon, and with the sun to your back, you will easily see Cook's escape route.  If you want to sail in the wake of Captain Cook, just sail through the break in the reef as you  head out into the Coral Sea on your own voyage of discovery.

Sailing in the wake of explorers like Captain Cook encourages me to live my dreams.  Captain Cook had no end to adversity in his life, but he always did what the had to do as he sailed on the ocean of his dreams.

You and I are just like Captain Cook.  If we are going to live our dreams, there will be no end to adversity in our lives.  We may as well expect it and get used to it.  There's a hundred percent chance that we are going to hit a few reefs, and we will need to make emergency repairs more than once as we navigate through our life.  But that's ok.  After all, we are on a voyage of discovery, and we are sailing in uncharted waters.  If we live as if our dreams are possible and work each day to make them happen, we will find an opening in our barrier reefs, and before long, we will be sailing downwind on the ocean of our dreams.

Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking

Owner's Manual for Your Mind
Real Power: Maxing Out on God's Love Positive Christian Self-Talk
Positive Self-Talk Red Book Positive Self-Talk Purple Book

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking Cover

How to Be Great
How to Make a Life
Change Who You Are
Positive Operating System
Resourceful Beliefs
Unlimited Potential for Excellence
Who You Are
What You Think About Expands
Practice Being Great
What I Think About Matters
Think on These Things
Consistently Control Your Mind
When Will I Get Better
Positive Expectations
POS Version I - Operating System for my Mind
I Turn Bad Things into Better Things
Opportunity Is a Shy Visitor
I Am Potential Unlimited
There Is No Limit to How Good My Life Can Become
Say Yes to Life
I Can Still Make My Dreams Come True
Freedom Is Only a Thought Away
Exceptional Beliefs
The Meaning of Life
Every Destination Starts as a Thought
A New Beginning Creates a New Ending
I Change My Mind in an Instant of Time
The Power of Positive Focus
Ready for Change
I Am Willing to Do Whatever It Takes
Change First Happens in My Mind
How Change Happens
Endless Persistence
Do It Now
Semper Fidelis
No Reason to Wait
The Call to Action
Positive Action and Negative Thoughts
Failure Is Never Final
Pulling the Weeds and Planting the Seeds
I Build My Future Thought by Thought
Change Who You Are

Be Excellent

Limiting Beliefs Are a Choice
Barriers or Hurdles
Make Your Limitations Disappear
Get a Fresh Start - Clean Your Mind
Toxic Waste Management
Fly Like an Eagle
Positive Focus
Repetition Hijacks My Mind
The Gift That Never Stops Giving
Put a Positive Spin on Your Life
Positive Thinking Is Not Enough
Calm the Storm of Thoughts
Feed Your Mind Three Meals a Day
Write Your Way to a Positive Mind
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
Listen to the Sound of My Dreams
Superheroes of the Mind
Association and Dissociation
Power or Paralysis
Statement of Purpose
Written Plan
Escape Limited Thinking
The Direction of Motivation
Count Your Blessings
The Recipe for Achievement
A Blessing That Lasts Three Lifetimes
Keep Your Goals in Perspective
Keep Money in Perspective
Handle With Care
The Positive Mind Pump
Negative Black Hole
Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking
Negative Thinking Is a Warning
Conflict Brings Negative Thoughts into My Life
Give Up Your Need to Be Right
Negative Thoughts Are a Stop Sign
Never Argue With Negative Thoughts
What Do I Find When I Squeeze My Mind?
Miracles Happen
Cockroaches of the Mind
Guilt - Hazardous Substance - Handle With Care
Time Travel
Live As If You Are a Positive Person
Live As If You Are a Loving Person
Live As If You Are a Forgiving Person
Live As If You Are a Thankful Person
Live As If You Are a Tolerant Person
Never Quit Working on Your Dreams
Keeping Adversity in Perspective
Surviving the Storm
Fearosaurus Rex


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