
Dr. Dave

Fight Depression

Positive Thinking Radio

Max Out On God's Love

Positive Christian Radio

Positive Butterflies




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God designed my mind to be the door through which the power of his love flows into my life.  My mind is where God’s love is brought to bear on the problems of life.  When I fill my mind with the power of his love, miraculous things happen.  But it’s not the mind that makes them take place.  It’s God’s love that makes the miracles come to pass.

God’s love is the definitive cure for damaged emotions.  God is a specialist at healing my heart and mind through the power of his love.  He can heal my emotional wounds, remove my emotional scars, and wash away my guilt. God’s love gives me a completely new way of thinking and feeling.

Although God’s love will not change the bad things that happened to me in the past, it will erase their power.  His love not only points me in the right direction, it also gives me the power to make the trip.

The most powerful force in the universe is God’s love, and when it fills my heart and mind, my life is never the same.

Copyright © 2013


People are always looking for miracles, but they overlook the obvious.

They are a miracle of God's creation and love.  Every breath they take and every beat of their heart resonates with the miraculous.

Here is a small list of God's miracles in your life.

1.  You have an immune system that keeps you alive in the  presence of
      trillions of  hostile viruses and microbes.

2.  You have eyes that let you see.

3.  You have ears that let you hear.

4.  You have a brain that has unlimited power to imagine and create.

5.  You have a mouth and a digestive system that provides fuel for your

6.  You have kidneys that maintain your body in perfect fluid balance.

7.  You have lungs that breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

9.  You have a circulatory system that delivers oxygen and nutrition to
     every cell in your body.

10. You have 24 chromosomes that contain 30,000 genes that make you
      who you are.

From the top of your head to the tip of your toes, you are a miracle.

Every time you think that you need a miracle, stand in front of a mirror and take a look at yourself.  You are God's greatest miracle, and the fact that you came from the dust is one more miracle to add to your list.  For as long as you've been on planet earth, God has been working miracles in your life. 



You need to start taking miracles personally and expect a  miracle every day.

It's not enough to accept the fact that you are a miracle from the top of your head to the tip of your toes.  You must  also develop positive expectations and discover the miraculous in your life.

Jesus meant it when he said, "As you believe, so it shall be done unto you."  He was talking about the facts of life as He knew them to be.  He said that anything is possible to him who believes.  Jesus came to change your expectations about your life in a big way. He said, "I have come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly."

When you change your beliefs about who you are and what you can do with your life, and when you get in agreement with God, miracles start to happen.  You become a new person, you take new actions, and you get a new life.  You say good-bye to your addictions and hello to God's love.  The most powerful force in the universe rolls through your heart and mind, and it rocks your world.  Old things pass away and all things become new.

It's time to prime the pump of miracles in your life  with the power of God's love.  It's time to develop positive expectations.  It's time to start living God's dream for your life.  It's time to act as if you cannot fail.

Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking

Owner's Manual for Your Mind
Real Power: Maxing Out on God's Love Positive Christian Self-Talk
Positive Self-Talk Red Book Positive Self-Talk Purple Book

Maximum Strength Positive Thinking Cover

How to Be Great
How to Make a Life
Change Who You Are
Positive Operating System
Resourceful Beliefs
Unlimited Potential for Excellence
Who You Are
What You Think About Expands
Practice Being Great
What I Think About Matters
Think on These Things
Consistently Control Your Mind
When Will I Get Better
Positive Expectations
POS Version I - Operating System for my Mind
I Turn Bad Things into Better Things
Opportunity Is a Shy Visitor
I Am Potential Unlimited
There Is No Limit to How Good My Life Can Become
Say Yes to Life
I Can Still Make My Dreams Come True
Freedom Is Only a Thought Away
Exceptional Beliefs
The Meaning of Life
Every Destination Starts as a Thought
A New Beginning Creates a New Ending
I Change My Mind in an Instant of Time
The Power of Positive Focus
Ready for Change
I Am Willing to Do Whatever It Takes
Change First Happens in My Mind
How Change Happens
Endless Persistence
Do It Now
Semper Fidelis
No Reason to Wait
The Call to Action
Positive Action and Negative Thoughts
Failure Is Never Final
Pulling the Weeds and Planting the Seeds
I Build My Future Thought by Thought
Change Who You Are

Be Excellent

Limiting Beliefs Are a Choice
Barriers or Hurdles
Make Your Limitations Disappear
Get a Fresh Start - Clean Your Mind
Toxic Waste Management
Fly Like an Eagle
Positive Focus
Repetition Hijacks My Mind
The Gift That Never Stops Giving
Put a Positive Spin on Your Life
Positive Thinking Is Not Enough
Calm the Storm of Thoughts
Feed Your Mind Three Meals a Day
Write Your Way to a Positive Mind
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
Listen to the Sound of My Dreams
Superheroes of the Mind
Association and Dissociation
Power or Paralysis
Statement of Purpose
Written Plan
Escape Limited Thinking
The Direction of Motivation
Count Your Blessings
The Recipe for Achievement
A Blessing That Lasts Three Lifetimes
Keep Your Goals in Perspective
Keep Money in Perspective
Handle With Care
The Positive Mind Pump
Negative Black Hole
Zero Tolerance to Negative Thinking
Negative Thinking Is a Warning
Conflict Brings Negative Thoughts into My Life
Give Up Your Need to Be Right
Negative Thoughts Are a Stop Sign
Never Argue With Negative Thoughts
What Do I Find When I Squeeze My Mind?
Miracles Happen
Cockroaches of the Mind
Guilt - Hazardous Substance - Handle With Care
Time Travel
Live As If You Are a Positive Person
Live As If You Are a Loving Person
Live As If You Are a Forgiving Person
Live As If You Are a Thankful Person
Live As If You Are a Tolerant Person
Never Quit Working on Your Dreams
Keeping Adversity in Perspective
Surviving the Storm
Fearosaurus Rex


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